What j00 Say: March 2005

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Comic #15: The Trials of the Sharkador

Monday, March 14, 2005

Comic #14: Fridge Monster vs Sharkador

I present to you, The Legend of the Sharkador!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Comic #13: Inside Jokes for Everyone

Inside Joke Time! Most of you should get at least one.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Comic #12: Hover Panthers!

I changed the server this site gets it's pics from to photobucket. Also they are all .gif images so they take less space. Cause I love you... some of you... sometimes... one of you, physically!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Comic #11: Filling Space

I would like to point out that I know there are spelling errors and sometimes I forget entire words in thses comics... but I wont go back and fix them. Thats as bad as say... George Lucas going back and messing with Star Wars to make it totally less cool.

Comic #10: Altered Danny

Number 10 BABY! A serious milestone...

Comic #9: Separation of Man and Beast

Comic #8: Ying-Yang-entine

Comic #7: Slippy and Slidey

Comic #6: Diagraming the Jones'

Comic #5: The Predator Menace

comic #4: Alternative Money Making

Comic #3: Chatroom

Comic #2: Of Tricks and Ass

Comic #1: Being gay!

This is comic #1 please leave a comment if you want